Is CBD Psycho-Active?
Both amateur and scientific-based literature have classified CBD as a “non-psychoactive” substance, meaning that it does not alter one’s consciousness. Yet, how could one say that CBD fails to impact consciousness when it’s been shown to have anti-anxiety, anti-psychotic, anti-craving, alerting, and mood-elevating effects in human studies?
CBD clearly impacts our psyche, most often in beneficial ways.
Cannabidiol has antipsychotic effects. The exact cause for these effects is not clear. But cannabidiol seems to prevent the breakdown of a chemical in the brain that affects pain, mood, and mental function. Preventing the breakdown of this chemical and increasing its levels in the blood seems to reduce psychotic symptoms associated with conditions such as schizophrenia. Cannabidiol might also block some of the psychoactive effects of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Also, cannabidiol seems to reduce pain and anxiety.
Why the misunderstanding of CBD being non-psychoactive?
Because CBD does NOT impair mental or physical function in most consumers, even when used in very high doses. Thus, CBD can be considered psycho-active, but “non-impairing” or “non-intoxicating.”
THC is considered both medical and recreational, can the same be said about CBD?
Most people have already recognized and overcome the false perception that CBD is the medical part of the plant and THC is for recreation. THC is also clearly medicinal! Hundreds of clinical trials have demonstrated that THC has remarkable and very relevant medicinal properties. Currently though, most US States regulate the use of high THC strains, yet all states allow the sale and use of industrial hemp derived CBD, with the THC levels being at or lower than the legal .3% THC.
With THC being considered both medical and recreational, does the same ring true for CBD? Likely not. While CBD clearly has medicinal benefits, very few people would want to use it for recreation. CBD does not produce a “rewarding” or strongly pleasurable effect. Its’ use in animal and human studies is not associated with euphoria, craving, compulsive use, or any other sign that would indicate it has recreational uses.
If a group of friends shares a CBD-dominant tincture or vape pen, they’re not likely to start giggling and telling long stories punctuated by periods of wondering what they were talking about. But they may be more likely to feel relaxed, focused, and resilient to stress.
One doesn’t need to treat a serious medical condition in order to benefit from the use of CBD. Many benefits come from it’s daily and as-needed use. Learn more about the CBD products we currently offer and how you can benefit by implementing them into your wellness routine. Shop
We look forward to sharing more information on the benefits of CBD in future blog posts.